• @cfgaussian
    2 years ago

    If it wasn’t for China’s opening up in the 80s and the Soviet Union’s destruction and subsequent plunder in the 90s western economies would have crashed a long time ago. It was already becoming evident in the 70s that they were unsustainable, partly because of capitalism’s inherent tendency for falling rates of profit over time and partly because the de-colonization and liberation of the global south deprived them of the stolen wealth that the post-war social welfare states were built on. The emergence of neoliberalism under Reagan and Thatcher and their dismantling of the post-war social democratic consensus was capital’s response to that crisis. But neoliberalism is a dead end that guarantees the destruction of the middle class, it was Deng’s reforms and Gorbachev’s treason that really saved the west and kept its prosperity alive through the 90s and early 2000s, and even that could only delay the inevitable until the bubble popped in 2008 and there hasn’t really been a true recovery since then. Nor can there be. Capitalism in the west has reached the end of the line unless they can find another infusion of loot to keep themselves on life support. It’s why they are so desperate to take on Russia and China at any cost, they absolutely need to get their hands either on Russia’s resources or China’s enormous pool of labor and its industrial base. This is why a bigger war is probably inevitable if all their other attempts at installing a puppet regime fail.