For me right now it’s either noodles with random veggies, tofu and a spicy sauce. Simple, easy to make and cheap. But really nutritious.

Or it’s classic Dutch kale stamp:

But with a veggie sausage as I don’t eat meat. It’s potatoes, kale, sausage and piccalilly sauce (sweet sauce made of pickles). It’s a great meal before or after a heavy workout and it’s very healthy. And great on a cold fall or winter day.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    42 years ago

    seared salmon with alfredo.

    Literally, nothing is better to me than that.

    My second favourite, for whatever odd reason, is white rice with brown gravy with tilapia. My mom would make it for me when I was a kid. Now that I’m an adult and I know how to cook (my mom was a garbage cook) I make it a hell of a lot better. But all around it just gives me so much nostalgia.

    • DankZedong OPA
      52 years ago

      When I still ate fish I used to buy pangasius, add a load of spices and oil, wrap it in tin foil and put it in a pan. You get a very tasty piece of fish with very little work.

    • 小莱卡
      52 years ago

      Seared salmon has to be the most delicious “plain” food in the world. I love mine with a green salad.