• Muad'DibberMA
    23 years ago

    Finally got around to reading this. The scariest things to me are the fact that consent for war with China and Russia is fully there now, where it wasn’t even a few yearn ago, and both US parties view China with <25% approval. And of course the increase in hate crimes against any asian person is scary.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      53 years ago

      Yeah that’s the most worrying part. The good news is that there is still a lot Western of business interest tied up in China. I can’t see any war happening while that’s the case. Meanwhile, it seems like the hopes of moving things over to India might be dashed as civil unrest continues to escalate there.

      My hope is that US will find itself increasingly isolated going forward and its domestic problems are going to preclude their ability to put up any sort of coordinated attack on China. Climate change might actually end up being the final nail in the coffin for US.

      The fires last year and the Texas cold snap are examples of this, and it’s only going to get worse going forward. US infrastructure is long past its life expectancy, and it simply might not be able to keep up with the destruction caused by extreme weather events. I just saw yesterday that we may see a very rapid climate change as the gulf stream peters out. This would have a huge impact on US infrastructure.