Be aware that the people in the gym are a very select group of society.

I always used to compare myself to others in the gym, mostly the mental gorillas you see pushing 44kg dumbbells as bench press. I admired their strengths but it made me feel small in comparison, with my 26-30kg press.

But after I while I realized that me going to the gym is an achievement of itself. Whenever I did physical activities or physical labor outside of the gym I noticed what I actually achieved while in there. People complementing looks or my strength because to them, I was a beast.

Focus on your own journey. Admire people for their strength, but don’t let that make you feel worse. You’re doing great for taking the time to work on yourself. Those madlads and madlasses at the gym started somewhere as well.

  • @201dberg
    22 years ago

    I compare myself to me from the past. How fat I am now vs then. How much I can lift now vs then. I’ve been fatter. I’ve been thinner. Trying to get back to thinner. I’ve also been weaker and stronger. I’m trying to get back to stronger too. lol I try not to compare to others. It also helps I don’t go to gyms. lol