Backed into a superior’s car in the parking lot at my job, after a 10 hour night shift and a 1-and-a-half hour meeting. Insurance exchanged. Cops called. She tried to calm me down but I am so beat up about it and feel like an absolute idiot. Occasionally having to stifle tears. Looks like minor paint damage but with these shitty plastic builds who knows. Have liability insurance. My car got the worst of it, but idgaf about cosmetic damage. I just hate that in my sleep deprived state I was forced to get into that death-trap by the way our infrastructure is set up and wound up in my first collision in my life. No one hurt, she wasn’t in the car at the time. At home but still on edge as fuck. I can’t let something so dumb make me destitute again.

Have any of you been in a minor scrape like this? At-fault or otherwise? Did it go ok? I’d appreciate experiences in part so I feel less like a total dumbass.

  • CriticalResist8A
    2 years ago

    I once scraped paint from a concrete pillar to my car bc I tried to get into a too small parking space 🙃

    Also with a girl I was trying to impress at the time lmao

    our cars keep getting bigger but our parking spots remain the same size.

    otherwise if I’ve done anything dangerous in my car I don’t remember it.

    but hey, live and learn. I made the mistake once but not twice. how did your boss take it?

    • SovereignStateOP
      2 years ago

      She was really nice and understanding although it was sort of through gritted teeth if that makes sense. Told me a story of how she seriously scraped a brick wall once and that it can happen to anyone. I let her know how embarrassed and upset I was with myself and she consoled me, which led to some mental conflict… like I fucked up and didn’t deserve consolation. Was still ok though.

      I used to have a two-door mini cooper that I could swerve into any parking space I saw. Parallel parking is hard? Psh. Ez pz. Now I’m in a 4-door, larger vehicle and Jesus Christ it’s like learning how to drive again. I’m going back to a mini if I can ever afford it lol.