If you have to completely black out all opinions to the contrary, you’re not a free speech platform.

  • @Shrike502
    92 years ago

    Reddit is just one of the symptoms. Think of it as a modern version of Die Stürmer

    • Bury The Right
      2 years ago

      I know, Reddit disappearing wouldn’t fix the world’s geopolitical problems but I do think it is at the very least serving as a major catalyst for brainrot as opposed just being a mere symptom. I wouldn’t be surprised if Reddit and other similar social media platforms played a key role in making the populations of Finland and Sweden want to join NATO.

      • @REEEEvolution
        2 years ago

        tbf Sweden has been a NATO member in all but name since forever. So much so, that in case of nculear exchange the US Air Force planned to relocate from Germany (to be glassed) to Sweden and fight from there. Sweden now joining is just making things official.