Not in a position to create an actual ML chapter but really don’t feel like dealing with Trots. Any advice?

  • DankZedong A
    232 years ago

    A lot of people on the Dutch socialist subreddit consider themselves Trotskyist and while some of the things they say make sense, I can’t agree with everything they say. And it’s not some minor difference in opinion either, it often gets to arguments between ML and the Trots.

    A lot of what we can’t seem to agree about is critical support for AES. They seem to live in a delusion that a ‘perfect’ revolution can happen and afterwards we can just press the red communism button. They also parrot CIA propaganda about China for example.

    So to some degree it might be useful to join an org to see how it runs etc. If they have basic marxist education that’s great too. But be aware about major differences in view that may occur.

    • Average PFLP EnjoyerOP
      102 years ago

      I think I agree with this. I will probably have a look around their spaces (ie: discord group and the like) to scope it out and make a decision based on that. Out of principle I want to make it work in some way shape or form given I’m indigenous and promoting indigenous issues through means other than socialism is so alien to me. If they can’t handle differing (and uncompromising) views on AES and the revolution then that’s on them but hopefully that kind of thing won’t be too relevant if we’re actually doing work within the community.