In prose fiction specifically, as it’s sort of a given for a lot of poetry. Thinking things like “Ulysses” by James Joyce, although to a lesser extent. It seems like a lot of the writing advice I get for fiction I work on is to simplify it or that my wording is a tad confusing, but I think I just like to write that way. Not give readers a headache per se, but I like the concept of bleeding ideas into one another and leading people to really think about what they’re reading. Idk. I feel like there’s been sort of a push for simplification of prose where the more direct and literal your writing, the “stronger” it is, and relying on metaphor and allegory is considered “weaker” writing. Using a word with more than two syllables in it may be considered tryhard or superfluous. What do you think?

    • SovereignStateOP
      2 years ago

      Wonderfully put and gives a lot to think about. I definitely have a lil trouble finding that line between pretention and worthwhile expression.

      This is gonna sound like a humblebrag or backhanded complaint, but in my social interactions I’ve had to sort of re-learn how to talk to people because I want to be seen as more chill and relatable and not as intense and serious as I used to be as I’d speak to people sort of academically without thinking about it, like I’ve had to actively start incorporating simpler vocab and talk more like a human being rather than a walking thesaurus lol. It’s really not a blessing like “sapiosexuals” and pseudo-intellectuals like to pretend it is to be as arcane and confusing as possible, it just makes you unlikable and weird most times. Writing is a good place for me to get that urge out, I think, but I’m definitely still conflicted when re-reading what I write as to whether or not it sounds janky and overly complicated. Writing is hard lol