A plane arrived at Makhachkala airport from Tel-Aviv today. A large crowd gathered at the airport and ended up storming the fences and breaking first into the building, and then out onto the landing ground. As can be seen in the video (see URL in the title), the crowd is waving Palestinian flags. Eyewitnesses report cars are being stopped and the passports of passengers are being checked. Reportedly, the crowd is “looking for the Jews”.

  • cfgaussian
    11 months ago

    TV presenter Andrei Medvedev also agrees with the forecast that the unrest in Makhachkala is just an enemy “pen test”.

    “Everyone understands that this is not actually about Dagestan? Why is the technology of information warfare and mass control being practiced here right now? It’s just a testing ground. Now hundreds of enemy PsyOps specialists are closely monitoring the actions of the authorities, the crowd, and information coverage of the situation. And drawing conclusions.

    It’s just that next time the authors take their shortcomings into account, there will be a different cry. And not in Dagestan. But against, for example, Russian oppressors in some large region.

    And it will be addressed, for example, to foreign workers, to migrants.”

    Military correspondent Dmitry Astrakhan recalls that Ponomarev’s accomplices held conferences in Kiev and Europe where plans for the dismemberment of Russia and scenarios for inciting ethnic conflicts in the Russian Federation were openly discussed.

    “In 2018, the Ukrainian IPsO and its assistants were working hard on the topic of interethnic conflicts in Russia. Including conducting combat training operations in moments of man-made disasters and other convenient occasions.

    Moreover, they held conferences in Kiev at which they spoke openly about what they were doing and could do in Russia,” recalls Astrakhan.

    Military correspondent Alexander Kots calls for the harshest possible reaction.

    “Now it’s clear what topic they’ll be rocking us with by 2024. The rehearsal was successful. And if there is no tough and prompt reaction from the state to this cave terror, it will only get worse.”

    Political scientist Alexey Martynov believes that governors are responsible for stopping such unrest.

    “The Jews are the root, imperial Russian people. Anti-Semitism is an ugly and European phenomenon. The same as any xenophobia, including in the Caucasus. Stop it! Ramzan, Melikov! Execute these scoundrels who are pumping all this from you. You are Russian generals - the Chief put you here to watch!” – writes Martynov.

    Military correspondent Dmitry Kots predicts that in Dagestan everything will end sadly for the pogromists and their puppet masters. He explains why the riots were not stopped immediately.

    “Russia gives the rebels something to learn, to burn off, and only then, after 10-15 hours, when the novelty of the sensations among the rebels begins to subside and physical and mental fatigue sets in, they begin to disperse them and take them. And they will already know exactly why, even if they don’t confess. Then for a long time, the security forces take those who have distinguished themselves, cleaning up their tails. So that nothing else will grow. If anyone thinks that the security forces of the Investigative Committee, always trained by sitting in a green forest under a green banner, have somehow lost the will to win, they are very mistaken.

    Dagestan has some political peculiarities. A politician in Dagestan is considered to be the one who can bring out 10 kunaks-dzhigits to a showdown, even with mop sticks. After working with the detainees, it will very quickly become clear whose kunaks were running around the airport. And measures will no longer be taken at the level of neighborhood amirs. One can recall the fate of the “Night Governor of Dagestan” Amirov. Helicopters arrived and took him to Lefortovo. And the kunaks, which resembled a private army, disappeared in all directions.

    The Khokhls are now hallucinating a sluggish “Berkut” on Grushevsky, “waiting for orders” under the trembling military hand of Yanukovych. But in the Caucasus, it will be a completely different story - they cordoned it off, armored personnel carriers approached from both sides, drove everyone under the window sills with fire, blew out the Bumblebee - come and admire it, kuma!

    But for now, there will be a pause and outrages,” Steshin believes.

    And political consultant Yaroslav Ignatovsky sees the further development of the situation as follows:

    “The instigators of the riots and the seizure of the airport will soon be identified, found and brought to justice. The version with the provocation of Tsipso/Ponomarev, if it is viable, should receive appropriate argumentation and fact-checking.

    In the information field, an attractive image of the republic (where tourists finally went) and its hospitable residents, who must be separated from provocateurs, must be preserved.

    The federal center will make appropriate personnel decisions. Surely, many regional officials and security officials will lose their positions.

    The legal field will be narrowed even further, legislation (regional for sure) will be tightened regarding participation in mass riots.

    The anti-Israeli wave across the country will subside a little because what happened is not anti-Zionism, but real Judeophobia in its worst manifestations. But the general vector will not change. Israel, and the United States behind it, are the aggressor, the residents of Gaza are the victims,” says Ignatovsky.

    “The next elections for the head of Dagestan are only in 2025. But I think this could happen earlier,” political strategist Sergei Starovoitov does not rule out.