Theory is wonderful and my main activity right now, but I do love me some nice short inspiring quotes. If you wish, take a minute and share!

I love you comrades

  • SovereignState
    22 years ago

    It was really telling when patsocs were quoting this completely ignoring the line about German and Japanese patriotism, as if the U.S. doesn’t fall squarely in that camp, pretending that the settler U.S. could somehow foster a national liberation movement against the “aggressors”. Who are the aggressors? How much of a stone’s throw away are patsocs from claiming the U.S. is controlled by the Israel lobby and that Jews are the “aggressors” rather than the other way around?

    • commet-alt-w
      22 years ago

      that miss quoting has caused me a bit of grief and frustration over the years. especially as a teenager desperately seeking refuge in online forums.

      my initial reaction to this quote was, wow, you can just replace japanese/german with usa and it fits really well still.

      as per your last point, that just seems to be a continuation of the status quo