Almost inevitably, most of the people joining Lemmy instances are former-reddit posters those who consider it a ‘reddit clone’ as opposed to an independent link aggregator site. This can be seen in the most popular communities (simply recreations of existing reddit subreddits), terminology (people saying ‘sublemmies’ or ‘subs’) and most importantly, habits.

What social habits have you seen that are commonplace on reddit but should really be discouraged among users moving to here?

    • comfyOP
      22 years ago

      True, and I would say that bumping with shitposts is abuse of that feature.

        22 years ago

        I actually haven’t see many “bump” comments yet. Hopefully it doesn’t become a thing here, because otherwise bumping threads because someone made a new (real) comment is pretty useful IMO. I believe the current sorter stops bumping threads with new comments after a while to keep the same thread from being on the front page for months (if a thread needs to be, it should probably get pinned and not rely on new activity).