link one song you’d like to share with everyone and give an explanation of why you enjoy it. explanation can be simple or complex, doesn’t matter

i’ll start: my song is the tom and jerry show by hiromi uehara. here is a longer version with a beautiful melodic section in the middle

basically i like it because it’s completely badass haha. extremely virtuosic, in a way that you don’t really see in contemporary (and tonal) solo piano pieces anymore. it’s also incredibly fun and you can tell how into it she is in the first recording. that’s always what’s most impressive to me, when people make slight mistakes but are so in the zone that no one notices and the whole experience is unchanged. the jazz harmonies and rhythms in the melodic section of the second version are just so juicy too.

  • DankZedong A
    2 years ago

    The Rolling Stones - Like A Rolling Stone

    It’s more the video that goes with this song really. I spent a few years living the standard rock and roll life of hanging around musicians, partying, being on the road with no care in the world, drinking, drugs, you name it. I think this video perfectly capsulates the loneliness that comes with this life. Chasing one hedonistic pleasure after another, the future can wait. There’s a certain romantic thought about the lifestyle but in my experience, the lack of meaning in that life makes it very dull eventually.

    Or Rolling Stones - Let It Loose

    It’s not the lyrics per se. It’s the music itself that sparks melancholic or nostalgic memories of all the people I met throughout my life. I wonder where they went, how they’re doing, what was the last time we saw, what did we do etc.

    • chinawatcherwatcherOPM
      2 years ago

      wow, the effects and content from the first video made me a little queasy lol. interesting that such strong visual content is juxtaposed with what i hear as a standard, straightforward song; kind of makes it seem like a fact of life in a bittersweet way. thanks for reminiscing with everyone