• 201dberg
    11 months ago

    Death to that state that calls itself Israel and anyone who defends it. I will not shed a tear to anyone that supports performing settler colonial ethnic cleaning of Palestinians. Regardless of if they are holding a gun. A fascist without a gun is still a fascist that wholly believes and supports slaughtering innocent people. The Palestinians are in a cage, surrounded by armed fascists that want to slaughter them like animals, and behind those armed Fascists are people that are supporting said Fascists. Any strike outward by the Palestinians is self defense, plain and simple. They have no other choice if the want to live. The world has stood by and don’t nothing while Israel just keeps killing. Meanwhile people sitting safely in their armchairs half way across the globe are bashing them that some non-combatants on the Israeli side got hit in the crossfire. Well boo fucking hoo. Those people knew what they were getting into when they took houses from Palestinians. When they say by and let the IDF keep massacring innocents. Hell most of them approve of it.

    And despite this the Palestinian forces have taken more precautions against actually injuring/killing non-combatants than the IDF forces whom of which have been shown to be indiscriminately killing, even killing captured Israelis. Hamas and the Palestinian forces tried negotiating for a peaceful resolution for years. It only got them more dead innocents at the hands of the IDF.

    So death to the state that calls itself Israel. Settlers can leave and give the Palestinians back their stollen land or they can stay, and either put themselves in danger and fight or try to live in peace with Palestinians, which based on the past several decades, they have no intentions of doing.