This is a post for Lemmygrad members to talk about things liberals are doing/saying. Let’s vent about liberal bullshit together.

  • That first paragraph is spot-on. Somehow they believe that it’d be better to be homeless, starving and without healthcare as long as they’re able to “criticize the government”

    • DankZedong A
      132 years ago

      And then what happens after the criticism? Nothing.

      The Dutch government totally fucked over tens of thousands of families and incorrectly labeled them frauds, causing suicides, evictions, torn apart families in thousands of euros of debt. This was a deliberate action.

      Everyone was so outraged. How could this have happened?? Cue the elections after 2 months where the country votes on the exact same government.

      But boy did they show they were mad! No consequences though, we’re not radicals.