Example: Brushing twice a day or picking up a book and reading for five minutes then progressing each day.

  • @201dberg
    92 years ago

    “A fascist worked out today. Did you?” Do something physical. I don’t care what. Walk a bit. Do 30 minutes of yoga. Pushups, pullups, squats, lunges, planks, bridges, whatever (don’t do sit ups they aren’t good for your back in the long term and there other ab workouts that are just as good). Just do something. Move your body. Touch some grass. Imagine yourself crushing capitalist skulls with the big rocks.

    Read something that makes you think. Meditate on it. I highly suggest some Tao. The original book and also some 365 Tao. Read a page and just meditate on it for 10-15 minutes. I got a strand of 108 beads and I take a breath for every bead and clean my mind. I imagine the beads like little lock boxes where I push away all the stray thoughts I have while meditating and just let my mind clear out.

    Intermittent fasting is awesome and it will free you if being controlled by food. Even going 16 hours with no food can have a significant impact on reducing insulin resistant and letting the body clear out the bloodstream. It’s as simple as just not eating breakfast. Extended fasting is even better. It’s like changing the oil in your car. Flushing the radiator. Let your body do some spring cleaning every now and again. It sounds intimidating at first. Took me a little while to build up to it. Then one day I just decided I was going to do a 3 day fast. It went so well I just kept going and went 6 hours shy of 7 straight days. It felt awesome. I had never felt to light and clear headed. Done that a few times now. Need to do another one soon.

    Try to be near some kind of nature. Or watch something that’s about nature. Stare at trees. Stand around and just exist around some house plants. I like watching videos of ppl hiking through quiet, snowy trails sometimes just to relax before bed.

    Also brush your teeth and fucking floss. Idgaf. Floss. Do it. Also take care of your skin. It’s the largest organ you have and it protects you from the outside world that wants to eat your insides. Show it some love.