The genocide is still ongoing and many things are still developing in Palestine, but we are removing the limitation on only posting things related to the operation Flood of Al-Aqsa to this thread, you can now freely post over Lemmygrad again.

Please don’t stop talking about Palestine.

Due to popular demand, please keep all posts about the operation to this megathread, sitewide.

  • redtea
    1 year ago

    Just a brief comment to observe how Western laws make it so difficult to find out what’s happening. We saw/see this in relation to Ukraine. But in relation to Palestine it’s worse.

    Once one person has made a negative claim about a Palestinian group, it’s practically impossible to challenge. Each claim forcibly and legally pushes the overton window towards favouring Israel. Anyone who tries publicly to move it the other way is in danger of being branded a terrorist supporter. Not just an accusation, but actual criminal repercusions if it’s construed as support for a proscribed organisation.

    That makes things significantly harder to speak about things objectively, in an environment that we know discourages truth even without the threat of criminality (as in Ukraine, although that’s slowly changing).

    Stay safe, comrades, and be careful how you frame your support for Palestine in ‘public’.