• @Neers94
    212 years ago

    I’d stray away from trying to argue with people over short clips of what very well looks like an isolated instance of something bad. No one has ever argued that socialist countries are perfect, no one has ever said that bad things and/or bad people haven’t existed in them.

    Even if we take what they say about this video at face value, that they’re being given incredibly poor safety helmets, then what is the conclusion supposed to be other than to say, “yeah that’s bad the person in charge should be held responsible and it should change”. Why would you extrapolate this one video onto the entirety of Chinese society and make a massive stretch of an effort to condemn said society? It’s one short video, without much context, and they’re speaking a language most of the libs watching can’t understand. Do they even know if what’s said in the title is truthful? So why would you immediately jump to conclusions?

    • Lenins2ndCat
      132 years ago

      Why would you extrapolate this one video onto the entirety of Chinese society and make a massive stretch of an effort to condemn said society?

      That is precisely what redditors will do without active and effective pushback in every single thread.

      • @201dberg
        62 years ago

        Redditors often have a very narrow world view outside of their own country. To them, the US is diverse with lots of different people and local “cultures.” They however see every other country as one big homogeneous group that are all the same. Couple this with any video able to be spun as confirming their deeply ingrained biases and bada bing bada boom, you have the lot of them watching something like this and claiming the CCP in it’s entirety is a failure cause the hat broke.

    • @XiaoFeiJu
      -152 years ago

      It’s just… this is something that should only exist in capitalist countries, not in a truly Red Left country according to the visions of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao. It kind of destroys my worldview when I see this.

      • @201dberg
        222 years ago

        If one video with no context or backstory of an asian man breaking a bump helmet with a safety helmet with a title claiming it’s because the workers are given cheap helmets is enough to destroy your world view of socialism/communism then perhaps your world view is a little too fragile.

        • @Neers94
          2 years ago

          I used to be like this so I understand. It’s mostly because libs gaslight you into a strawman making you think that socialist countries have to be perfect paradises otherwise they’re worthless and Orwellian hell. It’s better to just admit and understand that it’s a human society that will have flaws and there will be some bad things that happen. Libs do this all the time, all the time they admit bad things about capitalism but can brush it aside as a bad but isolated instances, why can’t we leftists do that? Why does socialism have to be perfect 24/7 all the time?

      • @sinovictorchan
        82 years ago

        Why would worker who freely talk about the fragility of a helmet while being in a crowd of many people be bad? As it is in Mandarin, I cannot comprehend him, but there are several workers who wear both helmet and that speaker has access to the both types of helmet. No Communist governments claimed that they are perfect, but at least they are more better than the sole successful Capitalist superpower that depends on free riding and military backed puppet governments in former European colonies.

      • @Neers94
        2 years ago

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