Popular modding site Nexus Mods has banned the user who removed the Pride flags in the PC version of Marvel’s Spider-Man, sparking an outcry that the site has actively disengaged from.

The original mod was called “Non-Newtonian New York,” and replaced the in-game Pride flags dotted around New York City with US flags.

As today’s announcement from Nexus Mods explains, “In regards to the replacement of Pride flags in this game, or any game, our policy is thus: we are for inclusivity, we are for diversity. If we think someone is uploading a mod on our site with the intent to deliberately be against inclusivity and/or diversity then we will take action against it.”

  • @Lemon_Man@lemmy.ml
    -42 years ago

    I’m not sure how I feel about this.

    On the one hand fuck that guy you should accept LGBT people

    On the other people should really be free to mod their games how they want.

    • @seanchai
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • @Stoned_Ape@lemmy.ml
        2 years ago

        On one hand, everybody can 100% dictate what happens on their site. On the other hand, it would be nice if a public service would accept all kinds of ideas and thoughts without dictating anything.

        Imagine you would be prohibited to talk about socialism for example, or post socialist memes. Would you be in favor of any instance forbidding this, so that you have to set up your own? Or would you rather have as many instances as possible allowing this kind of content?

        • @seanchai
          1 year ago

          deleted by creator

          • @Stoned_Ape@lemmy.ml
            2 years ago

            This isn’t a public service though.

            I know. Maybe this was badly phrased on my side.

            On the one extreme, you have tens of thousands of communities for a very narrow and small community. There, you can only talk about certain things, but not about other things.

            On the other extreme, you have one community where everybody can talk about everything, and everyone can see what others write and comment.

            Both are not okay, because it’s a good idea to prohibit content that is about harming human beings, like calls to violence. This is already covered by laws in most countries. I argue that this is a good thing. So according to the law, you can’t talk about literally everything on online forums.

            Having the above in mind, I argue that it is best to have lesser numbers of communities, and have less narrow limits. That way, we can see what the people are thinking and saying, and we lessen the chance of creating filter bubbles.

            I personally would rather want to see what people are thinking and saying, even when it is about things I disagree with. For example, I rather have a talk about capitalism, and why I think it is a bad idea and has problems, with someone who thinks it is a good idea. I wouldn’t like if that user is prohibited to talk about it.

            I could also talk about this with people who already agree with me, but… you know? That’s not quite the same.

              • @Stoned_Ape@lemmy.ml
                02 years ago

                Thanks for your comment! I agree with your view on growth through discussion.

                Keep in mind nexusmods has a blanket ban on all US sociopolitic commentaries.

                Interesting. I didn’t know that. Though, it may be difficult to decide what is a sociopolitic commentary, and what is not. As far as I can see, there are lots of mods that exchange the original flags of a game with LGBQT+ flags. I’m not arguing for the removal of those, but I fear some kind of double standard.

                By the way: I think the mod that was banned was a troll attempt… and it succeeded. This was what the troll intended: Internet drama. If we would have just leave it be, and I think almost nobody is actually interested in that mod, it would have been a fairer and less troll feeding solution.

        • @seanchai
          1 year ago

          deleted by creator

          • @guojing@lemmy.ml
            -92 years ago

            Are there any other flags in the game? And do you think that queer people cannot exist without rainbow flags, or how should I understand your comment? And if the mod is pointless, it really shouldnt be necessary to remove it.

            • Sr Estegosaurio
              42 years ago

              Aside from the mait topic. Who’re you to decide if the mod should or should not be removed? Nexus is not the goverment or anything, they’re are as free as you and me to do whatever they want with their plataform.

        • Marxism-Fennekinism
          2 years ago

          This is similar to making a mod that replaced all non-white characters and NPCs with whites.

    • Inkie
      102 years ago

      I’m KINDA with you on this one, to be honest. Modding is all about the right to disrespect one’s surroundings.

      On the other other hand – Even if it’s not on Nexus, the mod can still exist. It’s not like the modders are gonna go to prison or anything.

    • m-p{3}
      2 years ago

      There’s nothing that stops people from modding their games how they want, they just can’t host that kind of mod on NexusMods. If they’re adamant about it, they can self-host it or host it elsewhere.

    • @UniformedMike
      22 years ago

      Agreed. You can be pro-LGBT and also be tired of seeing rainbow flags everywhere…

      Mod should’ve replaced them with hammer and sickle though