I (16F) went to the gym for the first time in my whole life. What should I start with? What should I expect as a newbie? What are the most important rules and principles?

  • @CriticalResist8A
    42 years ago

    They worry they’re gonna look like bodybuilders, and the broscience crowd doesn’t necessarily correct that misconception so they can sell more programmes.

    So they usually focus on bodyweight exercises and what I call “mobility” (or agility I guess) so as to avoid building too much muscle, but you’re not gonna look like a bodybuilder without devoting your life to it, taking a ton of supplements (legal or not), and generally doing things most hobbyists would not do. Muscular women don’t look manly, they look like… muscular women. Because they are women lol.

    It’s a shame because lifting heavy weights is great for everyone, it has incredible benefits including in the mobility aspect I mentioned. Of course it doesn’t help that for both men and women, we like to downplay how much we work out so that we can pretend we’re just naturally gifted.