So many communities use little subtle symbols and stickers and such to help identify each other in public.

For instance, those of us in the BDSM/kink community can pretty easily recognize the triskelion (looks kinda like a yin/yang except has three droplet shapes inside the circle instead of two, is also usually black and white) if we see a sticker like that on a laptop. Most normies would have no idea what that means though.

Are there ways we can sort of identify each other in public that is subtle and not very obvious? A hammer and sickle sticker or Soviet/Chinese flag (or really any red flag with gold stars that looks remotely Communist) on our laptop would draw a lot of unwanted attention if we are just trying to chill in a cafe or some shit.

It’d be nice to know occasionally if I had allies in the same room every now and then, shit’s lonely.

  • @TeezyZeezy
    92 years ago

    Ehh. I feel like most people on here are legit.

    Regardless, openly identifying as a communist doesn’t seem like such a dangerous thing to me.

    I could be wrong though. What do you think? I love the idea of being able to identify others.

    • @Psychotronics
      82 years ago

      That depends on where you are. I, for example, live in Brazil. Right now, going around with a hammer and sickle isn’t a great idea.

    • It varies greatly depending on where you live and other material conditions – personally, if my posts here were connected to my identity, I would very likely lose my job, and that’s mild compared to some other countries. Living in the imperial core, I have very little confidence that my country won’t stoop to criminalizing communism

    • @lemat_87
      111 months ago

      You can always encounter some dumb ass nationalist or fascist who can attack you (in a group, I suppose, since they are cowards).