Having a good morning routine and not wasting hours doomscrolling before you get out of bed is important.

  • DankZedong A
    2 years ago

    The vid has a high sigma grindset vibe for some reason.

    But there are some truths to it. I’ve worked with people that were completely detached from society in a lot of ways, and one thing we did to get them back on track was to introduce some sort of routine. What that routine was, was different for each person. There were some basics, though, which I can share for everyone (detached or not):

    1. start with leaving things clean. The easiest is to make your bed every morning when you wake up. When you’ve got that going, start with the kitchen every evening before you go to bed. These two things alone can have a great effect. You will find yourself getting into a clean, made up bed in the evening and a clean kitchen in the morning. This will do wonders for your mind, trust me.

    2. like the video said: eat in the morning. Despite popular beliefs, it is not the most important meal of the day, but it will get you going. Could be a small meal, a bigger meal, whatever you want. But you will feel more energetic if you do it. Also, drink a large glass of water to get your day started.

    3. regularly vacuum clean your house. At least once a week.

    4. buy a washing basket to put your dirty laundry in. Next, set a goal for yourself when you should wash things. Basket is 3/4 full? Wash things. This way you will not overload yourself on washes every 2-3 weeks.

    5. organize your clothes. Put your shorts together, pants together, shirts together, sweaters together, underwear together, socks together etc. And, most importantly, if you put it back, put it on the right pile. This will help your closet stay organized.

    From here on you have some really basic yet important things covered. You will be surprised how much time and effort you will save if you actually do this. Time that could be spend doing other stuff.

    Edit: I forgot an important thing: do some daily stretches and try to take a walk. Your walk could be during your lunch break or from and to work or after work of whatever fits your schedule. But having some movement during the day is good for your health.