Having a good morning routine and not wasting hours doomscrolling before you get out of bed is important.

  • Muad'DibberOPA
    52 years ago

    Ya a lot of these routine-type things have minimal usefulness, esp for people who do better with chaotic schedules. I see time ( labor-time and recreational-time ) as our most valuable resource in life, and we have to fight against so many distractions in the modern day to reclaim it. These type morning-routines, as well as workout routines help that for me at least.

    Like a year ago or so, I installed tiktok, and found I was wasting about an hour every morning before getting out of bed, just scrolling tikok. 7 hours a week down the toilet. Finally deleting it was a liberating experience. Or I had one friend who had twitter, that counted up their tweets one year before they uninstalled it, and it was an average of ˜ 10 tweets per day, probably taking a few minutes on each tweet. So many hundreds of hours wasted. Its a constant struggle to claw that time back for ourselves, and try to do something useful with our limited time on this planet.

    • @panic
      42 years ago

      Seeing the time these apps make you waste is terrifying. It has no positive impact on your life.

      I was wasting like two hours scrolling through social media. I had to finally decide it sucked ass and was going to waste that time with my dog instead.

      I’m lazy and I’m the one who picks my vices, not some algorithm SMH