What’s something low profile comrades say that communicate immediately that they know which side they fight for in the class struggle?

Example: if anyone in the wild speaks “material conditions”, or “bourgeois state”, out loud, I’m listening.

  • KiG V2
    1 year ago

    My only experiences are with “leftists” who are social progressive, economically variable, geopolitically completely co-opted. Best I have gotten to date was an unlabeled leftist who said she felt NATO had it’s part to play in the conflict. 99% the only people I’ve talked to with positive views (or willing to listen to positive views) of China, Russia, NK etc. are people in weird post-alt right/apolitical/center right spaces. If I ever met a real not-bigoted not-Andrew Tate-ified ML in real life at random and not some half-assed Maoist, Trot, leftcom, Russiaphobe etc. I would probably scream in joy. My expectations are not that high.