• soumerd_retardataire
    1 year ago

    The US deprives its citizens of the right to travel to Cuba, challenging its own Constitution.
    The US government lies and greatly damages international efforts to fight terrorism when accusing Cuba, without any grounds, of being a country that sponsors that scourge.
    Based on that fraudulent and arbitrary allegation they extort hundreds of banking and financial entities everywhere in the world and force them to choose between continuing their relations with the US or maintaining their links with Cuba.
    Our country suffers a true siege, a cruel and silent extraterritorial economic warfare. It is accompanied by a powerful political campaign of destabilization, with millions of dollars of funds, approved by the US Congress, with the purpose of capitalizing on the scarcities caused by the blockade and undermining the country’s constitutional order and citizens’ tranquility.
    Despite the hostility of their government, we will continue building bridges with the US people, as we do with every other country in the world.

    The promotion and protection of human rights is a common ideal that demands a genuine spirit of respect and constructive dialogue among States.
    We advocate dialogue and cooperation as an effective way to promote and protect human rights, without politicization or selectivity; without double standards, preconditions or pressures.
    In that spirit, Cuba has presented its candidacy to the Human Rights Council for the period 2024-2026 at the elections to be held on October 10 this year
    Cuba will continue to strengthen its democracy and socialist model which, despite being under siege, has proved how much a developing country, with scarce natural resources, can do.
    We will keep on with our transforming efforts, looking for a way out of the siege imposed by US imperialism, as well as ways to achieve the prosperity with social justice that our people deserve.
    In that effort, we will never renounce our right to defend ourselves.
    I will conclude by extending an invitation to all to work in order to overcome differences and cope together with our common challenges with a sense of urgency.
    For that, the UN and this Assembly, even with its limitations, are the most powerful instrument we have.
    You may always count on Cuba to defend multilateralism and promote peace and sustainable development for all.
    It will always be an honor to fight for justice, sharing difficulties and challenges with the “exploited and humiliated”, ready to change history. We are more, And we shall overcome.
    Thank you very much.