• Helix 🧬
    -22 years ago

    I really dislike the CCP in most regards but the amount of transparency they force on gambling and gacha games like this is pretty good. Down with Diablo Immortal, that pay to win slot machine piece of shit of a game.

    • @ttmrichter@lemmy.ml
      72 years ago

      Here’s a little tip for you: If you use “CCP” you’re basically identifying yourself as an ignoramus whose opinions on the topic can be safely ignored. After all if you can’t get the name of an institution correct, what are the odds that you got things that require genuine knowledge and nuance right?

      • @straightpeach@lemmy.ml
        2 years ago

        My very first comment on lemmy was on this community and i used the acronym CCP, instead of CPC and you kind of harassed me for that. I’m glad you are more polite this time, but let me tell you: people usually do their first research about china on wikipedia and over there for some odd reason the acronym CCP is used as default. So it’s true people who use it are usually not very knowledgeable about china, but i don’t think it’s always wise to ignore them, specially if they are they are being respectful. If they are being a dick, i am on your side.

        • @ttmrichter@lemmy.ml
          82 years ago

          Always wise? No. The correct response 99.44% of the time you see “CCP” being used? Absolutely. And I’m willing to sacrifice the 0.56% CCP-users who aren’t raging ignoramuses to avoid reading the same old tired, inaccurate, biased talking points of the 99.44%.

          • @straightpeach@lemmy.ml
            -12 years ago

            How do you suppose a western average person who wants to learn about the chinese government goes about doing that? I think the odds are they are going to learn the CCP acronym first as it’s being used everywhere in the western media (even though it’s incorrect). So you’re just going to be rude with every single one of those people calling them “ignoramuses” who can safely be ignored? Learn some respect.

            • @ttmrichter@lemmy.ml
              52 years ago

              The day the average western person is actually interested in learning about things instead of labeling them with their preconceptions and projections is the day I’ll stop thinking of them as ignoramuses.

              Those who are interested in learning are almost by definition not average. And they tend to learn just fine … without even getting butthurt at a correction to the point they go on and on about it interminably for months after getting corrected.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
          62 years ago

          When people correct your mistakes, you should learn from that and correct yourself in the future instead of screeching about being harassed.

        • @ttmrichter@lemmy.ml
          52 years ago

          Oh, incidentally, the first sentence on Wikipedia reads:

          The Chinese Communist Party (CCP),[5] officially the Communist Party of China (CPC),[6] is the founding and sole ruling party of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).[7][8]

          (Emphasis is mine, not in original text.)

          The fact that a bunch of outsiders thinks their version is the right one and the actual party itself doesn’t know its own name just tells me that said outsiders can be safely discarded as having any opinions of value or note.

          • @straightpeach@lemmy.ml
            2 years ago

            No need to be sarcastic here. I told you I have been to that page, so I know what’s written on it. No. I don’t agree with that attitude. That’s why I learned to avoid wikipedia as a source for chinese politics.

      • Helix 🧬
        2 years ago

        If you use “CCP” you’re basically identifying yourself as an ignoramus

        Oh I’m sorry, of course I meant 中國共產黨.

        You seem to have overlooked I actually praised the Communist Party of one of the Chinas in my comment.

        • @ttmrichter@lemmy.ml
          82 years ago

          Or you could use the proper English initialization from their official English name: Communist Party of China. But hey, why not remain an ignoramus and snark instead?

          You seem to have overlooked I actually praised the Communist Party of one of the Chinas in my comment.

          I didn’t. It’s why I told you instead of rolling my eyes and ignoring you.

          • Helix 🧬
            -52 years ago

            hey, why not remain an ignoramus and snark instead?

            Because most English speaking people, even the ones who lived in China, call the party the CCP. Nobody knows what the CPC is.

            Interesting that you’d only answer me if I praised the CCP and claim to ignore me otherwise.

            • @ttmrichter@lemmy.ml
              92 years ago

              There’s plenty of ignorant right-wing assholes out there who go around spouting utter gibberish about “TEH CCP” (sic) to the point that if I see “CCP” I quickly scan for the usual (inaccurate) talking points, roll my eyes, and move on. The fact you actually managed to say something good about “TEH CCP” (sic) made me think you had a slightly more balanced viewpoint.

              Of course your subsequent performance (and your hilarious romp through my past posts that didn’t look even slightly like a toddler throwing a tantrum, nosiree!) made me change my mind, so I’ll be going back to the old policy: If I see “CCP” I assume ignorant jackass and move on.

          • @marmulak@lemmy.ml
            -52 years ago

            So I bothered to look up 中國共產黨 to see if your claim that CPC is proper and CCP isn’t is true, and honestly it has no merit. Being pedantic about how best to translate it into English doesn’t make you smart or more knowledgeable. Internet propagandists like you for the Chinese government (oh, you’d probably insist only “government of China” is correct) tend to use these kinds of childish irrelevant arguments to deflect attention away from things that matter. I’ve seen similar stupid arguments in official Chinese state propaganda.

            • @ttmrichter@lemmy.ml
              102 years ago

              The OFFICIAL NAME of the Party in English is “The Communist Party of China”.

              Not “the correct translation”. The OFFICIAL NAME.

              It follows, incidentally, the same pattern of naming in a whole bunch of other countries. The Communist Party of Canada, not The Canadian Communist Party. The Communist Party of Cuba, not The Cuban Communist Party. The Communist Party of Korea, not the Korean Communist Party. Etc. etc. etc.

              But hey, you don’t have to believe me. Just go to their official site: http://cpc.people.com.cn/. Then try http://ccp.people.com.cn/ and see where that gets you.

              Getting a name correct is the very most basic element that gets you credibility. If you can’t do that, anything else you say on the subject is highly suspect.

              Consider how much credibility I’d have if I babbled about Germany as “The German Federal Republic” (or, more extremely, translated it like you did and came up with “The Dutch’s Land’s Federal Republic”) or about the USA as “The American United States”. Extrapolate.

              • CritiGalDesist∞
                42 years ago

                I wish I could give you Award here like reddit.

              • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
                32 years ago

                They are not credible, and are basically what I call wordsmith weasels. I advise you to stop wasting time with these trolls, honestly. If someone like me from India can get it right, anyone should be able to. The key lies in moral integrity. They lack that.

                The downvote patterns are observable in this thread, as are their argumentations like quoting not the institution (CPC) but a Western encyclopedia like Britannica as an authority on CPC. This reeks of their Western chauvinist attitude towards rest of the world, which I want to see dying off of this planet.

              • @morrowind@lemmy.ml
                -42 years ago

                Consider how much credibility I’d have if I babbled about Germany as “The German Federal Republic” (or, more extremely, translated it like you did and came up with “The Dutch’s Land’s Federal Republic”) or about the USA as “The American United States”. Extrapolate.

                If the entire english speaking world did likewise with irrelevant exceptions then you would not lose any credibility. Calling it “The German Federal Republic” would tell me nothing more beyond that you are part of the english speaking world.

                • @ttmrichter@lemmy.ml
                  42 years ago

                  The ignorant part of the English speaking world, yes. The part that can be safely ignored as having no useful input when discussing the subject at hand.

        • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
          2 years ago

          Buddy, there are about 170+ countries (only 14 or 15 do not) that recognise only one China and one Chinese government. That is the sole official recognition. Taiwan is a province of China, which PRC respects and gives ample independence.

          Tell me when Taiwan has an embassy of any country on earth, that Taiwan is a dejure sovereign country. Spoiler: it has none.

      • @marmulak@lemmy.ml
        2 years ago

        CCP is a normal abbreviation in English for the Chinese Communist Party. I’m surprised at your ignorance about this fact, honestly.

    • @ezmack@lemmy.mlOP
      12 years ago

      If I was still in my gaming glory days I’d probably care more. I don’t have enough time to hit the paywall