I woke up from a nightmare, and I saw this when I opened my laptop. You basically get to wait for like 4 - 5 days for glorified microwave food/ food items that you end up having to cook yourself.

Maybe I’m still in the nightmare…

  • @IdliketothinkimsmartOP
    2 years ago

    Uber really is the worst offender in terms of these companies that literally aren’t profitable at all (up until this year, they started in 2009). Like their whole thing was that they were going to revolutionize travel with Autonomous cars, but that obviously didn’t pan out, so now they’re tossing money and just hoping it sticks. All they could settle for was just muscling taxi cabs out of the way.

    I was reading a guardian article that described this as "the flip side of falling rates of business investment is a slackening pace of economic growth, which economists have termed “secular stagnation” which sounds awfully akin to the falling rate of profit if you ask me 🤨.