There are currently cultures in the world that perform unconsentual mutilation, or practices that otherwise are extremely harmful to human beings. Then there are places that are so destabilised that they turn to religious extremism. China handles it’s case of that by educating and improving the material conditions within it’s relevant regions, which I think is really good.

However what if those regions lie outside your jurisdiction, I.e. autonomous? Is it the duty of Marxist-Leninists to educate and provide better conditions of them, or is the right thing to let them develop on their own terms until they ask for help?

More specifically also:

  1. What if they reject outsiders/turn down negotiation?
  2. What if they are an actual threat to other people (e.g. terrorism).

I understand that realistically, there’s no real reason for me to be thinking about this. But I would like to understand the world and Marxist-Leninist principles better, thanks.

  • (I’m still a toddler ML, so this is just my opinion)

    In really horrible cases, I would say that the ideal approach would be to help oppressed people move from the country in question (“A”) and accept them into your own country (“B”); however, realistically, “A”'s government would likely be unwilling to let citizens leave, so “B” might need to take harsher measures. Self-determination is important, but if they’re a literal slave society, treat women as subhuman or something similar, I’d argue that intervening would be justified. (Might be hypocritical, but I don’t see spreading socialism as necessarily bad, unlike spreading capitalism.)

    I think China typically handles it as well as is feasible in the current geopolitical landscape