A while ago I talked about the Dutch socdem coalition Green/Labour and their party programme, which included a two state solution for Palestina, more money to NATO among other things.

Today the far right party FVD made their programme available, and it includes… peace talks between Russia and Ukraine, deprofitization of healthcare, political asylum to Assange and Snowden (not Manning, though, she’s trans after all), removal from EU and NATO.

MFW a far right party has LESS imperialist talking point than the ‘hope of the left’ lmao. Don’t get me wrong, there’s still fascist talks of anti-LGBTQ+ stuff and all. But fucking hell Dutch left get your shit together.

  • DankZedong OPA
    10 months ago

    Had socdems yell at me because I am not going to vote on the Dutch Green/Labour coalition saying I’m some sort of traitor. Like, what point of me being against NATO don’t you understand lol. ‘Yeah but you have to sometimes make concessions you know!’ Fuck off, maybe YOU should have some actual views for once .