The sidebar says all cops are bastards, but since most people here are leftists, what makes cops in socialist countries different? If most people here support socialist cops, then shouldn’t it be all capitalist cops are bastards?

  • Star Wars Enjoyer MA
    3 years ago

    what makes cops in socialist countries different?

    The police in Socialist states tend to actually give a shit about helping their communities, there are countless stories of westerners meeting with the police in Socialist countries (most of the stories I’ve heard are of the USSR and Cuba) and getting an entirely different attitude from the police than they were used to.

    Here’s a secondhand account told to me firsthand by a comrade who visited Cuba, his rent-a-car broke down a few miles outside of Havana and not knowing what to do, he called for help. The police were there in minutes, didn’t keep him waiting. He didn’t speak much Spanish, so the cops tried their best to pigeon-speak with him. The cops actually put in the effort to figure out what was wrong, and once they realized what he already knew, they gave him a ride back to the city. And, most importantly, they never stopped being nice to him - an obvious foreigner in their country.

    If you check the rules in this community you’ll find rule three; “No defense for the police. Yes all cops, they’re tools of the bourgeois state.” Saying anything less than “all cops” only gives asshats the leeway to say “oh, well, my cop uncle isn’t a bastard, he doesn’t agree with corporatism” or “oh, my cop uncle isn’t a bastard, he’s nice to his community”. But, pay attention to the “tools of the bourgeois state” part, because cops of proletarian states are thusly tools of the said proletarian state, and so aren’t subject to the same counter-citizenry organizational structure. That doesn’t automatically mean cops in the USSR or China aren’t bastards, but it does mean they likely weren’t.