Hello all, I was Muslim for ~17 years, then Eclectic Pagan / Deist / Agnostic ~2-4 years and now I would say that I am some mix of Chaos Magick and Abrahamism and have been for a little longer than that, roughly.

I have definitely achieved uhh…things. Most notably and easily explainably astral projection, relationship with egregore(s) (entities) and things that I can only call “manifestation.”

In some ways it feels like I have FUCKED myself up in some ways. But in others ways it feels like I have “the sauce” which helps me in really cool and interesting ways.

I have always viewed–I don’t even know what umbrella to call it, spirituality?–this sort of stuff as one of the main most underutilized playgrounds for the communist pursuit circa 2022. I see untapped potential but I also have had…shall we say bad experiences that I wonder if are rendered onto me by alphabet agencies or more conspiratorial sounding, shall we say instruments of evil or something less dramatic idk.

What is your experience? How much does this sort of this overlap with politics for you, and if so, in what ways, and if not, how so?

  • الأرض ستبقى عربية
    2 years ago

    I am a pagan, my experience has been pleasant, I guess… I follow my own path which is a bit Arabian reconstructionist and a bit Hellenist and Kemetist. The values, world view, myths, and community is what keeps me identifying as a pagan. Even if my belief is somewhere between nontheistic and polytheistic. Either gods exist, or don’t, but there can never be just one god.

    We have a community of pagan Arabs on Discord, as well as those interested in Arabian paganism.

    • KiG V2OP
      32 years ago

      Very interesting! I’m not very familiar with much of these but it’s always fun to learn! I’m not on Discord atm but I’ll have to check it out if I am one day!

      I could rationalize monotheism but only if we are talking about an entity that is essentially multiple entities in practice, such as perhaps an idea that there is one single entity that may encompass the omniverse but who is split into separate parts to create the reality we are experiencing. Like maybe if you melted us all together we would create one sum that could be called a single god of everything. But in the day-to-day, there seems to be so many competing interests that regardless of “the ultimate truth” it’s IMO easier to understand it from the polytheistic framework.

      • الأرض ستبقى عربية
        2 years ago

        I find polytheism far more intuitive. It is the reason why polytheism always popped back up, and why monotheism always had to be enforced. The whole reason of the Wahhabi movement in Arabia was to restore monotheism after the return to polytheism in Arabia.

        Here is an article and a video that may help.