I’m joining a hippy commune for a few days, where I’ll spend my days hiking, working in the communal garden, reading books and just hanging around with the people there.

What things are you guys up to?

  • KiG V2
    52 years ago

    Oh wow, that’s crazy. Please relay your experience after all that somewhere on here.

    As for me, I delivery drive and I’m overdue for a car check up. Expecting to take a financial gut punch with that.

    I’m in a bad spot in my relationship lately so I have several projects I’ve been working on to try and apologize. So I’ll be working on some of that. Related to that I am temporarily at my mom’s house so I’m gonna mow her lawn if it stops raining. My brother just got back from a class trip to Argentina so I’m gonna hang out with his punk ass too.

    I’ve also been working on an animation for a music video for like 60000 years so hopefully I’ll knock out a staggering 2 seconds worth of footage for that.

    Best of luck on your trip!!!