This is one of the first mainstream articles that’s openly talking about the fact that US is not going to keep supporting Ukraine for “as long as it takes”

U.S. Administration has an obligation to unemotionally view the war as it genuinely is, not as we would wish it to be, and make decisions based on U.S. interests—which are not always identical with Ukraine’s interests.

It further admits that the offensive is a failure and Ukraine is unlikely achieve any significant gains regardless of what the west sends

The hard truth is that a sober analysis of both Ukraine’s three-month summer offensive and an assessment of the war overall leads to the conclusion not simply that the offensive is going “too slow” but that it appears unlikely to succeed. Arguably, it won’t matter how much time Kyiv is given, how many weapons it is provided, and how much ammunition the West delivers: completely evicting Russia from the territory it illegally seized appears to be a militarily unattainable aspiration.

There is finally an admission in the mainstream that prolonging the war simply results in more people dying and Ukraine losing more territory, an obvious fact that libs continue to dismiss and ridicule today

Without a change in policy, Washington’s approach is poised to condemn tens of thousands of additional Ukrainians to unnecessary deaths and reduce more Ukrainian territory to dust.

There’s finally an admission that Ukraine has at least 200k dead and wounded. While likely lower than the actual losses, it is a significantly higher number than what western media has been peddling up to this point

More critically, Ukraine has lost a conservatively estimated 200,000 soldiers killed and wounded, including tens of thousands who have had limbs blown off and an unknown – but likely massive – number of troops with post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injuries.

There’s also an admission that US inventory has dried up, and replacements will take years to produce

After the first 18 months of this war, the U.S. has contributed over two million artillery shells, thousands of tanks and other armored vehicles, and tens of thousands of anti-air and anti-tank missiles. Whatever slack there was in our inventories has long since evaporated. Though we have started the process of expanding our industrial capacity to produce more arms and weapons, it will be years before we catch up to demand. The fact is, we will have to diminish our own military capacity to provide Ukraine with what it needs, harming our own national security.

  • redline
    1 year ago

    could someone get me up to speed on 19fortyfive as a source? where does it fit in the U.S. media landscape?

      • redline
        1 year ago

        well yes, but when I try to put this to less informed peers I’d like a bit more juice than that

        • DesiDebugger
          1 year ago

          History Founded in 2020, or 1945 is a conservative-leaning website that focuses on defense and USA foreign policy news and analysis. According to their about page, “We seek to hold no one ideology or opinion in favor. We are a non-partisan, non-factional publication. That means we publish a wide range of analysis, opinion, and reporting that is slanted to the left, right, and center. Accordingly, all of our writers and Contributing Editors come from very different backgrounds, many times disagreeing with one another vigorously.”

          The website is transparent as they list writers and the editor as J. Beth Gorton.

          Read our profile on the United States government and media.

          Funded by / Ownership 1945 lacks transparency as they do not clearly indicate ownership; however, they appear to be owned by 19FortyFive Group Inc., based in Maryland. Advertising and sponsored content generate revenue for the company.


          Basically the ownership is shady due to the fact that we don’t know who owns it but it published articles that are considered generally favorable to the MIC.