I’ve read my fair share of theory but it has been a while since I list reas a piece. I think the last actual theory I read was The Jakarta Method somewhere in may. Since I’ve been giving some more important tasks by the party now, I figured I might start reading the theory list again.

I wondered if the grad had any tips for reading theory. Do you write things down? Take notes? Save important paragraphs? Etc.

  • redtea
    10 months ago

    You’re welcome. Hopefully some of the tips are helpful.

    I remember you saying that, actually. That’s a cool task to be working on. Depending on what you end up writing, you might also want to look at:

    And it’s a bit longer, but:

    The German Ideology is good but it’s a tough one! Someone kept recommending it to me so I kept trying and the first three or four times, it just went over my head and I only got a few pages in.

    If you fast forward past the first section it gets significantly easier. If you try again, start at ‘First premises of materialist method’ and come back to ‘The illusions of German ideology’ when you’ve read the rest of Part One.