is this just atrocity propaganda, or was stalin actually a mass murderer? deleting someone from a photograph is not a good sign.

  • kretenkobr2
    2 years ago

    Where do you see artifacts as prominent as yezhov’s elsewhere? I don’t.

    I see them right on Stalin’s left shoulder.

    All of those claims are made without sources from libs. They just take it for granted that Stalin got people erased from pictures. It has become so accepted and internaéised that it is not even questioned anymore.

    I wasn’t saying lib sources. I cannot find a single source, even communist one, claiming otherwise.

    Yezhov could not fit in that physical space as the picture makes it seem like, I have no reason to believe he wasn’t added in. Maybe ordered it himself to make it seem like he was a big shot around Stalin.

    So you have visited that exact location?