Includes fan favorites like:

  • showing anarchists blabbering on about their fear about political oppression under a supposed Russian occupation while in reality every left-wing party in Ukraine has been outlawed a couple weeks ago and the SBU has arrested and locked up prominent communist activists after the start of the war
  • trivializing the very real nazi problem in Ukraine when literal fascist militias like Azov are not just some randos fighting in this war but officially part of the Ukrainian defense forces and Ukrainian fascists have high political positions with them being a driving force in the civil war waged against the people in the Donbas
  • the lame “but Zelenskyy is a jew”-argument when antisemitism and hatecrimes against other minorities like Roma and LGBT-people have been on a steady rise since 2014
  • suggesting that the Russians are in a war frenzy showing some TV clips as proof while completely ignoring the huge anti-war protests in Russia and the real political oppression of anti-war-activists in Russia

This video offers zero critical investigation and just regurgitates the usual Ukrainian handwaving and anti-Russian propaganda with some nice emotional manipulation to really tug at the heartstrings.

  • Comrade Boina
    52 years ago

    Is that the all gas no break guy?

    Disappointing, not surprised tho.

    Many of those quirky youtubers end up scoring a “journalism” job at a bourgeois news channel. They use their previous work as a way to line their resume.

    • Comrade BirbOP
      62 years ago

      Yeah it’s the same guy/team. AFAIK they had to abandon the initial channel because of some dispute with their content network or something. Channel 5 is just their new name.

      • Comrade Boina
        2 years ago

        Ah fair, well if that last video doesn’t score him a “real journalism” job I don’t know what will lol.

        Edit: probably at vice lmfao

        • Comrade BirbOP
          52 years ago

          Considering that Jake Hanrahan (the guy he’s interviewing throughout the video) is reporting with Vice… not implausible lol