As of late, invidious has become pretty much unusable for me. All the instances either don’t work or are very slow, and as nobody knows Crystal more and more bugs keep cropping up (e.g. right now search is broken on all instances).

Are there any alternatives? I know of FreeTube but its client is Electron which is a no-go for me. I also know of youtube-dl, but I’m more interested in a website I can use to watch YouTube while proxied.

  • SnowCode
    83 years ago

    I can actually use the instance including the search engine. I also would like to find an alternative.

    The “freetube” software (kinda like NewPipe, but for computer) is maybe gonna turn interesting in the future (at the current moment it’s still based on invidious I think)

    Also, what I would like to get is not only something to watch YouTube. I would like to get an aggregator, so I could watch several platforms at the same time (like Peertube, YouTube and SoundCloud). That would be just awesome.

      • SnowCode
        23 years ago

        Well it doesn’t work for YouTube but I keep it in mind for the others :) Thanks

    • ssenecaOP
      23 years ago

      Also, what I would like to get is not only something to watch YouTube. I would like to get an aggregator, so I could watch several platforms at the same time (like Peertube, YouTube and SoundCloud). That would be just awesome.

      If I understand you correctly, you can get this behaviour by using youtube-dl. I have youtube-dl run every couple hours or so, pointed at a batch file that contains a list of YouTube channels as well as podcasts (which are sourced from various different sites). It records the content it downloads to an archive file so it knows not to download it again. And that’s how I keep up to date with most of the content I consume. Doesn’t solve the issue of browsing like with invidious, though.

        13 years ago

        Would be great to get some sort of front-end GUI for that then if it works. Just a simple system where you have you subsriptions listed, the new videos from those subsriptions and maybe a system to automatically delete videos/podcast that you’ve watched/listened.

    • ufra
      3 years ago

      I can actually use the instance including the search engine. I also would like to find an alternative.

      same. it was broken for a day and some new glitches with channels popped up, but still beats using yt, especially with proxy option. I was watching all night tonight.

      one other thing that seems to work pretty well is going directly to the video which can be facilitated by following the rss feed for a channel you like, e.g.<channel-id>

        33 years ago

        Yeah I think is the best invidious instance now, but now that it’s not being maintained, I think it’s just a matter of time before the whole thing dies.

        I think we should be reaching out to TY creators to mirror stuff on peertube.

      13 years ago

      Freetube is no longer based on instances. It provides its own local API by default, with the ability to fall back to the one if the local one fails, and the default instance for falling back to is the snopyta one. I guess at some point falling back won’t even be an option (once the local API gets more mature).