In every election “left-leaning” neoliberals always try to guilt-trip Marxists into voting for their candidates with the usual schpiel: “Your party doesn’t have enough votes to win. You are just letting conservatives win”. What do you tell these people?

  • ghostOfRoux();
    1 year ago

    I think I kinda agree with both of you on this. I def knew what I was voting for when I voted for Biden. Not happy at all but it wasn’t Trump. I’m in a deep red state “that is turning purple any day now” but that doesn’t really make good options for us comrades in any case. I think to clarify, I am throwing my vote away regardless of if I vote blue, red or 3rd party because that is our current system. 3rd party really isn’t feasible right now but we’ll see if the younger millennials and gen Zerrers keep pushing left(which I hope they do).