I just finished Come and See, which is a famous Soviet film.

I’m on a movie high right now and need more. What else should I watch? What other Soviet films or foreign films should I watch?

Can be old

Or it can be contemporary.

Just give me some films to watch.

Doesn’t even have to be communist.

  • @darkcalling
    4 years ago

    It’s just “Le Samourai” as the other poster mentioned. I was just mentioning it was a French film.

    If you like Soviet film I would recommend The Planet of Storms (or in translit Russian “Planeta Bur”) from 1961. It’s an interesting Soviet Sci-fi film about cosmonauts traveling to Venus.

    White Sun of the Desert is another Soviet film, a Soviet “Eastern” movie that allegedly is watched by cosmonauts before leaving for space. Beloye solntse pustyni is the name to find it under, in fact, I’ll edit this in a few with a magnet link to a bluray rip.


    As for places to look, the high seas may be your best option here. I recommend among other places rutracker which is a Russian site and so often the best place to find these types of things.___