The United States of Siberia is a non-existent hypothetical (under development and project) federal independent liberal democratic state of Rashki [Russia], which many of its supporters for “free Siberia” supposedly to quietly develop independently and no longer feed Muscovy [Moscow], Chechnya and all the other freeloaders.
[Section] Separation from Faggots [derogatory for Russians?]
On Rasey [Russia], many are surprised. Why would it be some fascist commies in the Scoop [USSR]
I laughed so fucking hard. As if I went to an article in LiveJournal or to some forum where libs are lurking.
Classic Russian liberals - write this shit, then act surprised why population would rather support current oligarchy than your pathetic ass.
I laughed so fucking hard. As if I went to an article in LiveJournal or to some forum where libs are lurking.
Classic Russian liberals - write this shit, then act surprised why population would rather support current oligarchy than your pathetic ass.
That’s not even the best part. Further down there is racism. I’ve made a post on here just for that. link