• @crulife@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    Ukraine’s ethnic cleansing of Russians

    Never happened. Or do you have some reliable sources of proof that apparently nobody else in the world does?

    suppression of the LPR and DPR

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humanitarian_situation_during_the_war_in_Donbas hmm not entirely clear who’s in the wrong here. I’m gonna say that the powers linked to Russia mostly are, based on previous data, but also that in a civil war all sides tend to commit war crimes that should be carefully investigated and prosecuted.

    and flirtation with NATO must stop if ever this war will end.

    Well, that did stop. And yet Russia keeps attacking military and civilian targets.

    • Water Bowl Slime
      -12 years ago

      The conflict in Ukraine was widely reported on and it’s easy to find information about it even now, even through mainstream news sites. Just because the state department came up with a new narrative recently doesn’t mean that nobody else in the world was aware of Ukraine’s Nazi terrorism before this month lol.

      Here’s an article talking about Ukraine’s coup. And here’s an article talking about the persecution that Ukrainians are facing from their puppet government.

      • @crulife@lemmy.ml
        2 years ago

        It seems like both of those articles are just describing Kreml’s propaganda. Where the evidence of ethnic cleansing?

        • Water Bowl Slime
          -12 years ago

          It’s true that western media likes to blame all problems in Ukraine on Russia, but even these articles don’t deny the targeted violence that Ukraine has enacted on its own citizens. The first one mentions how Ukraine’s puppet government immediately rescinded the status of Russian as an official language and the second one mentions how Nazis have taken so much power over Ukraine’s new government that many Ukrainians welcome Russian military intervention. Of course, these articles don’t dwell on these facts because western media has no incentive to.

          Since the coup in 2014, thousands of eastern Ukrainians have died at the hands of their fascist government. One particularly egregious example of this terrorism was when dozens of eastern Ukrainian protesters were round up into a building then burned alive.