Please ask me anything you want about firearms. I work as a firearms engineer, and would be happy to answer questions, I also invite other people to answer questions.

      • loathesome dongeater
        54 years ago

        I don’t know for a fact but in pop culture (TV shows and movies) there’s a meme that they backfire often because of poor build and people end up losing their hands.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer OPMA
      4 years ago

      I have heard of this, it’s also not a new concept at all. It’s essentially just a break-action shotgun pistol, that’s been around since regular break actions have been. Most consumers would also know them more with flare pistols, it’s the exact same concept.

      From the images I’ve been able to find on the ones from India though, they seem to lack proper seal between the chamber and the breech-plate, and seem to lack heat treating to ensure strength. Fixing that is simple though, just an extra 1-5 hours of work. These could also be made really pretty, with more time.