Last prediction I thought Canada was going to be pulled into the US civil war, but with the recent development I actually think Canada is up first.

The Freedom Convoy is yet another center to far-right laborer movement.
The issues are loss of fossil power, tech centralization and high inflation as Canada copies the US policy of printing itself out of an economic crisis,
while the protest is about removing red tape.

Removing vaccine mandates not going to solve the inflation crisis Canada has together with the US1 and the right wing protest seems to have backing from the Canadian police, so neither placating the protest nor attacking the protest will stop the protests.

That’s why I think the protests will not stop and eventually turn into the violent coup the US Republicans and Trumpians are salivating for.
The right wing media pundits are openly cheering it on and rich right wing USians are very likely the anonymous financial backers. For them it will be a right wing coup and Canada will have to pay for it.

Once the coup has succeeded in Canada, they will try to do the same in the US, New Zealand, Australia, France (;_;), Netherlands (;_;) etc.

Currently the protesters are telling the media and each other that they are nothing but peaceful while blocking roads with concrete blocks supplied by the Canadian police, something that I think the US right wing has made illegal two years ago during the George Floyd riots and even went as far as to legalize for counter rioters to just drive over protesters in at least one state if they put up road blocks.

1 And the EU/UK, but the EU is not on the same continent and is going to have a different consequence.

  • folahtOPM
    3 years ago

    How does this worker protest then differentiate from what you would call an actual worker protest? The type of demands?

    I would imagine a trucker bourgeoisie protest if it were to continue while the economy falters would turn into cries for lower taxes, discriminatory laws that prevent new immigrants to able be employed, if things gets real desperate some kind of looting law that allows them to keep the goods they transport and other laws that increase their increase their income without lowering their employers’ income.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      3 years ago

      An actual worker protest would consist predominantly of workers, and would focus on issues workers have like having better pay, improved working conditions, and so on. This isn’t what this protest is about.

      Also worth noting that business owners are perfectly happy employing and exploiting immigrants to lower their costs. Lowering their employees income and benefits is always the end game.

      • folahtOPM
        3 years ago

        How are things progressing?

        I think I’m going to be right with the Civil War with
        Bourgeoisie capitalist liberals vs. Bourgeosie proto-fascists.

        Trudeau and the protesters are provoking each other to use violence.
        Blocking roads and blocking bank accounts are extreme measures for what is a protest about easing COVID-restrictions.

        I know that there’s an actual left in Canada, but I suspect the both right wing groups are emboldened by the U.S.