I’m guessing you can’t vote on mastodon if you don’t have an account, so you can vote here too.

We need to figure out:

  • what they’re going to look like
  • who to sell with (redbubble, spreadshirt, maybe even aliexpress, etc)
  • pricing, though it will probably be affordable. We plan to give them out to our editors on request, so you buying a sticker will fund them to our editors. Really by buying stickers from us you help support the website.

but they could be shipped out to you by the end of the week…

or the next, it’s a bit hopeful lol

  • urshanabi [he/they]
    1 year ago

    Interested. I send postcards to friends across the world and it is quite inexpensive as there are historical provisions for postcards. It’s roughly less than USD 2.

    Is there any way to have like, a sticker on a blank postcard? The economies of scale would work well I think if enough stickers and postcards were sold.

    Here’s some back-of-the-napkin math:

    Reusable Stickers

    USD 0.46/unit × 500 stickers ≈ USD 228.85


    USD 0.12/unit × 500 postcards ≈ USD 57.99

    USPS Postage

    USD 1.50/unit × 500 stickered postcards = USD 750

    Final Cost

    USD 228.85 + 57.99 + 750 USD 1036.84

    Customer Cost

    USD 1036.84 / 500 customers USD 2.07

    There would also be labour cost in adding the stickers to the postcards and either printing the addresses or writing them out. Not sure if it’s feasible now that I’ve written it all out but it’s an option. Seems like postage might be lowered if there’s some way to get bulk stamps or if another country has lower rates. I didn’t include taxes or shipping for the postcards or stickers which is why I used an approximately equals sign. Hope this helps!!

    EDIT: could find cheaper stickers or postcards ofc, I used a popular US based company for convenience in calculations. If there’s interest I can approximate labour cost for the comrades who would do the work. It shouldn’t meaningfully increase the cost even with a living wage.