• 3 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 15th, 2024

  • Pictures are nice, but I’m very, very critical of this.

    Russia is not the Soviet Union.

    The Soviet Union was to be praised for what it aspired to be, a dictatorship of Workers, taking steps towards communism.

    Russia on the other hand is not. They have no intention, nor does it seem like they are heading in that direction… You can correct me if I’m wrong (I can be wrong, I’m willing to learn)

    Russia, alongside Iran, will receive my (very) critical support on their anti-imperialist struggle. But I’m very critical of them trying to use Soviet Union imagery to garner sympathy.

    I wish, I so so wish, for the birthplace of the first AES state to go back into building socialism… But this doesn’t seem to be it.

  • Estoy absolutamente de acuerdo. Agitar, Educar y Organizarse. Éste último, jamás en redes como discord.

    Pero por ahora, teniendo discord para llegarle a una base más amplia en las dos primeras (agitar y educar) es válido y provechoso. Nos están metiendo goles en la cancha ideológica y debemos de presionar el ataque en diversos frentes.

    El discord sería uno de ellos.