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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • People keep getting messages the app and iMessage the protocol confused. While never written that way (as far as naming goes), I’ve seen nothing to indicate that the EU isn’t just saying that Messages the app doesn’t just need hooks to allow third party apps to integrate into the one interface. It’s about adding more bubble colors as it were. So stuff like WhatsApp would just pop up in the same feed over whatever protocol it uses.

  • The largest problem I see is that I would use reddit to keep up on local events, since at the time I preferred it to using Twitter or FB for the same. Now I avoid all three but the community that posted for the local stuff in my city didn’t move to Lemmy or Mastodon. I don’t have a way to post the local stuff myself because if I had a good way to keep track of it I wouldn’t have needed reddit for it in the first place!

    Which I guess is just me unhappy that more of the communities didn’t move over, I really don’t have a solution to the problem. Other than continuing to engage here as often as I can and hoping for the best.

  • Did they live through the same pandemic I did? Because I distinctly remembering that “simple” advice apparently being too confusing for a huge portion of the population.

    The advice these days on computer security is simple too: Use a password manager and let it make a unique password for every site and don’t tell anyone your password.

    Of course in the tech world we immediately have a lot of sites that make that impossible, frequently starting with the ones that should be the most secure, your banks and your phone.