I am 100% sure that Ryan’s World is not the only case and take SIS vs BRO as an example or Ruby Franke. I could give you a lot more examples.
Translated into English.
I am not surprised I was already thinking about some of their members at the very least downplaying the crimes of Legionary Romania and Ion Antonescu.
Probably an error but if true they like have half a trillion USD on GDP
Just a reminder that this party was so Far-Right that the Neo-Fascist AfD did not want to associate with her.
Here is another GDP
Im surprised she didn’t go full right and supported Farage
I dunno much about them but they seem pretty liberal zionists
For anyone wondering here is some more links I removed this link because Fash Busters are apparently Zionist but to sum it up Helali allegedly left his wife and children https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fdmvewoc%2Fstatus%2F1815801322341314601&psig=AOvVaw0o0BE7xdtp6ZEnwpBRAs4M&ust=1728351204761000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBcQjhxqFwoTCKCY0PmR-4gDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE https://images.app.goo.gl/5aDSL1GfcZVNSNQt7
Him founding the ACP
And this also seems like a photo when he was (Probably) an Ancom (It has the Ancom Black and Red colors so it is probably a Ancom)
For anyone wondering that is most likely Chris Helali is a Patsoc Grifter who used to be an Ancom but the IWW kicked him out after embezzling 4.51K dollars. And in 2024 he decided to leave the PCUSA which was already Patsoc to join the also Patsoc ACP. Here is the source https://en.prolewiki.org/wiki/Chris_Helali
Well you just entered the Entertainment Anti-SJW pipeline of YT with notable people like Nerdrotic TheQuartering RK Outpost MIKE ZEROH Geeks + Gamers Asmongold HeelsvsBabyface
I’m not surprised and it was already a lost cause since the CPGB-ML are TERFs and I’m sure Brar was friends with the CPIUSA https://x.com/RealCPIUSA/status/1730781027302601017 also I’m sure Haz and Maupin had a falling out recently since the CPIUSA page is a LARP Group by InfraWiki https://wiki.infrawiki.us/index.php/Center_for_Political_Innovation
1k comment on this community?
Either a Social Democrat or a Vaush fan
I mean the majority of the Virgin Islands is just an extension of USA and British Virgin Islands don’t recognize Palestine either also many of Chad’s population identify as Muslim with 55.1% being Muslim and 41.1% is Christian.