• @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlOPM
      02 years ago

      We can be angry, we can disagree, but few things we must retain are morality, honesty, dignity and shame. We must be civil and not be literal hounds towards each other, and definitely not do personal targeting like this.

        • mekhos
          52 years ago

          Good attitudes to differences of opinion above, you guys. Important to remember there’s living breathing, flawed, talented humans behind most usernames here. @AnonymousJoker, is there really much point to the main post though, I mean it hurts to be singled out and targeted, especially by a group, but is there really much chance that this post does not spiral into a tit-for-tat shitfest that just perpetuates the issue?

          • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlOPM
            2 years ago

            There is clearly nothing I have apart from community support I can muster, so that these horrible people can be exposed. I have never seen this kind of witch hunt in privacy community in my life.

            These people specialise in sockpuppet trolling and spread disinformation about privacy, and are playing a reverse blame/troll kind of game with me.

  • Jama
    32 years ago

    I don’t really like you, theanonymousjoker, but I despise madaidan and mikay as well, I followed your discussions in the age of the controversy between graphene/copper in nogoolag group (when it was still a semi-decent and not “conspirational” telegram group) and anyone of you were awful. BUT I think your privacy guide make sense to anyone who can’t or don’t want to buy a Google phone, and to anyone who don’t want or can’t root his phone. It was a good, democrat guide, and I appreciated his content, even if not his tone. This attack on reddit is awful, you don’t deserve this hate and I hope you are alright. Stay strong

    • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlOPM
      -32 years ago

      Thank you for recognising the fundamental issue here. People are even trying to hurt me even on this post here, and we must atleast identify and call out this level of hatred and toxicity. It is not healthy for communities at all.

  • Cyclohexane
    22 years ago

    I love how they say “if Google was really malicious, …” as if this isn’t a basically established fact lmao

    2 years ago

    PrivacyClowns are amateurs.

    Skip them and follow me, you learn much more within 1 week or money back… kek. I do not censor legit submissions, never have, and never will.

    Mirrored your post 🤗.

    • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlOPM
      -62 years ago

      Hey please do not slander them as PrivacyC****s. Even if the person against you is rude, toxic and shameless, you should have shame, dignity and pride. Always be the bigger, better person.

      • CHEF-KOCH
        2 years ago

        It is not really slandering. If you check their statements regarding developers, they deserve much worse. If I would leak what they said on Reddit and via Reddit DM, that would be slandering, even if it is true.

        Edit… really… 😂


        • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlOPM
          -32 years ago

          Seriously, avoid becoming toxic. Just state evidence and expose bad people for their bad doings. Everyone automatically understands.

          • CHEF-KOCH
            2 years ago

            You got busted that you lied. How is that slander if is true.

            Why not address this, create another post answer and respond to it. I was not involved in all of this and do not care much about this at all, my opinion on PCIO, GrapheneOS is well-known.

            I have not checked all points but OP has some valid points, if you like it or not.

            Blocked you know, you can do the same. But do not call me someone who slander others, this is seriously not the case, I at worst mock them, but this is well-known.

            That is all I am going to say here.