What’s got your goat? Also, does anyone remember who this is?

  • little_niggle@lemmy.worldM
    1 year ago

    Today’s the last day for most third-party Reddit apps before they shut down indefinitely. I’ve been on Apollo from its inception and alien blue before that. Countless F5s, comments, “war chests”, ups, and downs during that time.

    These apps and r/Gunners are the reasons why I became a “Redditor” in the first place. I really hate what’s going on with the platform now, how greed is seemingly at the forefront of any decision. How the app is becoming less and less about the users and their contents but more and more about squeezing said users out of every quid (avatars, coins/gold, ads, etc).

    I know it’s going to be hard to stop getting on Reddit since it’s become such an ingrained part of my daily routine (would literally just whip out my phone and refresh the sub every so often daily) but I’ve decided after today I’ll start to wean myself off it.

    The plan going forward is to just check the sub on my PC/Laptop and at least try to use Lemmy as a mobile replacement. I know that’s going to be hard initially as the community here, whilst comfy and nice; is still only a tiny fraction of the sub hence an understandably lower level of activity comparatively. It’s silly season after all, aren’t we all anticipating the latest updates even if they’re just what we know but worded slightly differently, as infuriating as it may be?

    I’m very happy to see that we’ve carved out a space for ourselves here, and how it isn’t just dead after like a week. Let’s try to make this place as active as we can! Post whatever you deem to be interest and we can all shit on/praise it in the comments together. On the sub I’ve always been a commenter but I’m trying to make an effort and post any tweets/updates from notable sources here to keep activity levels up. I’m very glad to see some familiar names becoming regulars already, which is nice! Makes this place feel more and more like a true r/Gunners alternative.

    Anyway, guess I’m done here with my little ramble. It’s been a weird week… 🦀🦀🦀

  • MHPengwingz@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Is jerboa crashing for anyone? I updated two days ago, first it wasn’t loading other communities and now it’s just crashing.

    • IronEagleBird@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      If you updated Jerboa past 0.0.34 it’s going to keep crashing until lemmy.world is able to update their servers when the 0.18.1 Lemmy update is released.

      I suggest trying the Liftoff app. I switched recently and I have not had any more problems.