Hong Konger NYU student | he/him

  • 461 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • They’re literally both terrorists, I don’t know what to tell you. But even when killing civilians, there are rules that sometimes allow it according to proportionality rules (which I think Israel has violated). And of course the Israeli government actively wants to and are by the definitions of many committing genocide, which is way worse.

    Unless you think that Hamas killing people at a music festival is somehow a valid military target, they’re terrorists. Just like how the IDF are terrorists for attacking Palestinian journalists and innocent family members.

  • The problem for me is that it’s not the first time that it’s happened. It’s definitely much less of a problem than Israel makes it out to be, but it is at the same time most certainly a problem. At the very least, the amount of people sympathetic to a literal terrorist organisation and attack (as revealed by the UN Watch of the existence of a Telegram group of 3000 UNRWA educators where talk switched between official business and antisemitism etc. https://twitter.com/hillelneuer/status/1746962851955191937) is too high.

    Not to say the UN Watch isn’t itself biased (which it is), because of course everything has bias, but there have been quite many legitimate accusations that show that the UN does not have a good track record on this. And the UN does have an anti-Israel slant (though not as strong as the UN Watch’s pro-Israel slant)

    I do think that the funding shouldn’t be cut. But again, this still does need to be solved, it’s an actual institutional problem. But I don’t have a solution.

  • No, terrorists are people who attack civilians as a war crime. Including actions from both the IDF and Hamas. And certain actions from US troops in various wars. But this is not the first account nor instance of UNRWA and its facilities being used in support of or directly for when Hamas does military action, which only endangers Palestinian civilians. If hospitals and schools etc. are indiscriminately used as war facilities, they become valid targets under international law, and thereby makes the civilians there much more at risk.

  • It’s honestly fine; I just copy off the Arsenal website most of the time anyway XD in general what I do is just copying things I see and read and find interesting; we should probably put more on c/football but I’m honestly not bothered cuz it’s such a dead community in terms of comments and stuff lol (same reason I don’t post on the other communities I moderate much). I appreciate having y’all to talk to and feel excited about this club with, not to mention being able to talk about other stuff when I need to on the daily discussions lol. The reality of social media is that most people don’t post, and only a small subset do.

  • Also another thing I am annoyed with which is also on the gaffer is how do we expect Ramsdale will stay if we just play Raya every game? Or do we plan on buying a goalkeeper again to replace Ramsdale as backup, who won’t be as good? Mikel said it’s tactical and dependent on the game and stuff — so do it? It’s not a coincidence that Turner left so soon after coming in, and I’m not convinced it’s just because of Raya based on what he’s said. And I think Ramsdale has the potential to be a generational keeper for us… or someone else. Just doesn’t sit right with me and at the end of the day I’m biased but yeah. I’m not an expert, I trust in Arteta, but it does feel awkward that we spent so much talking about having two top No. 1s only to have one consistently on the bench despite what Arteta’s told us.

    In a year or two, we’ll probably have Raya as our no. 1 and Ramsdale goes off to like, Barcelona to replace MATS or something, and no one will care too much. It just feels odd.

  • Not exactly sure what you’re saying with “made think that” but I do rate Raya, I just rate Ramsdale more :p Raya is definitely better at long distribution, it just terrifies me when he has his ball at his feet basically playing LCB — which Arteta has since said is tactical so oh well lol XD (still terrifying). I’m honestly surprised by Ederson’s numbers in the opposite direction — 50% is insanely high. Regarding how he says Raya isn’t nervous, I absolutely agree! But I’m very nervous and the gaffer terrifies me LOL. And I still think Ramsdale has had better saves — though if the saves is not the main dynamic, Raya is better for us. I still think that Raya is better if we need to control the game, I just am not sure it’s needed for the likes of Bournemouth, Everton… and in those game I feel like Ramsdale making saves when we do make mistakes is worth it. Also yeah, bias towards Ramsdale. I do think if there is much difference, it’s quite marginal tbh, but marginal gains could win us a title.

    I’m just a random dude behind a monitor though; I trust the gaffer more than myself on football lol. Just, if we could stop getting heart attacks… please… I would very much appreciate that.