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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • They never really acknowledged it was here. I live near one of the Colorado locations and it has been (in)famous for COVID outbreaks the entire pandemic. And, for whatever obvious reasons, In-N-Out hasn’t had the same closures enforced on them that every other restaurant did. During an outbreak they’re supposed to close for a few days in our state, but they’re basically the only restaurant that has refused to close and has never faced repercussions out here. It’s maddening.

  • He’s generally non-optimal on other things, but I certainly wouldn’t call his advice straight up bad on anything. Overall most people are signficantly better off following his advice than doing average-person personal finance things - the average person is pretty terrible with money and Dave’s plan is a huge step up from that.

    It’s kinda like calling one diet bad because it’s not as optimized as some other diet, but really both diets are amazing when you compare them to eating McDonalds 3 meals a day.

  • Very simply: consistent budgeting. We (my wife and I) go envelope-style and budget/plan or money every paycheck. I swear it’s magic that turns money into more money.

    It’s also let us systematically pay off all our non-mortgage debt and save/invest a large amount over the last decade. Now we have enough that we don’t worry about money anymore.

    The single most important thing I’ve ever done for my finances was learning to budget so I could have a plan and manage my money on purpose.

  • I did. I got hired as a Unix admin around 2008 and inheriteted the care and feeding of an old Jabber server the ~3000 employee company was using for internal instant messaging. I near-immediately migrated it over to an OpenFire server. A few months later I learned the pitfalls of using the built-in database (it blows up on you when it gets big enough cuz back then it was all in-memory, not sure about how it works out of the box now). I remember figuring out how to manually migrate that over to mysql… and I skipped the ITSM change control process and just had it execute overnight via some at commands and scripts. Went smoothly and I didn’t get fired :P

    I learned a bunch from that and set up an OpenFire server at home so I could chat from my dynamic dns hostname to some people on gchat.

    And that’s about the extent of it. My internal company chat eventually got replaced with skype for business and then teams. My personal stuff eventually switched over to text messages and Signal (and discord and slack and mattermost and whatever else for all the odds and ends communities I keep in touch with).